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  • International pavilions

    A country pavilion is the most efficient way into the growing Asian market and offers several benefits.


    • International pavilions

    • German Pavilion

    • Contacts for international pavilions

    • Contacts for Germany's official participation

    International pavilions

    A country pavilion is the most efficient way into the growing Asian market and offers several benefits. High visibility goes along with a convenient infrastructure at reasonable costs. An ideal springboard to find new customers and create business opportunities.


    German Pavilion

    On the initiative of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI), with the support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), and in cooperation with the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA), a German Pavilion has being organized for many years.


    You will find detailed information about the exhibitors of the German Pavilion and their products and innovations on the official website of the German Pavilion

    Contacts for international pavilions

    Contacts for Germany's official participation

    INTER EXPO CONSULT is responsible for organizing Germany's official participation.

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