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  • 2024 New energy vehicles three electric technology Summit Forum

    July 8,2024 Room M28 (2nd floor) in Hall E5,SNIEC


    • 2024 New energy vehicles three electric technology Summit Forum

    • Platinum Sponsor

    • Gold Sponsor

    • Topics

    • Meeting agenda (subject to on-site availability)

    • Welcome to join the EV WeChat group

    2024 New energy vehicles three electric technology Summit Forum

    • Forum Date

      July 8, 2024

    • Forum Venue

      Room M28 (2nd floor) in Hall E5,SNIEC

    • Organized by

      OE Auto Tech, Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd.

    • Forum Scale



    Platinum Sponsor


    • Power battery safety technology

    • Electric drive system technology

    • Thermal management technology of NEV

    • 800V high voltage system technology

    • Electric drive and electric control all-in-one technology


    Meeting agenda (subject to on-site availability)

    2024 New energy - Agenda.png

    2024 New energy - Agenda-2.png

    • k4_img01.jpg
      Welcome to join the EV WeChat group

      In order to facilitate your study and communication, we have established this group. Please add the group tube Xiaomu:  MMI_esc . We will invite you into the group. Thank you!

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